Did you know there was a hidden aspiration called GRILLED CHEESE ASPIRATION in The Sims 4?
Well, now you definitely do!
This aspiration is just for fun and it's not very challenging but it's definitely worth giving it a try.
Also, do not think it's too easy! There's a task to talk to Grim Reaper about Grilled Cheese.
Maybe you're gonna need to take some desperate moves like killing your neighbor, a random townie...who knows?!
Joke aside, in this article, we will explain how to make your Sim a true professional in making grilled cheese, so stay tuned.
The first thing you need to do is cook 3 SINGLE portions of grilled cheese or one group portion of GRILLED CHEESE and then make your Sim eat 3 portions, after that a notification saying:
"Your Sim has unlocked the hidden Grilled Cheese Aspiration. It can be found with the other Food Aspirations.
He/She can also do a new friendly social:
Talk about Grilled Cheese.''
You can now find the ASPIRATION in the Food Aspirations category, select it, and let the games begin!
- Talk to 3 Different Sims About Grilled Cheese
- Eat 10 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Now it's time to talk about Grilled Cheese and eat loads of tasty Grilled Cheese sandwiches.
You can make a group portion or a single one, you choose.
We recommend to do some exercises or jogging to avoid putting on weight, or you can just enjoy your Grilled Cheese meals and don't think about it at all!

- Eat 10 Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
- Cook 3 Group Servings of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
- Talk to 5 Different Sims About Grilled Cheese
Now it's time to talk about Grilled Cheese and eat loads of tasty Grilled Cheese sandwiches.
You can make a group portion or a single one, you choose.
We recommend to do some exercises or jogging to avoid putting on weight, or you can just enjoy your Grilled Cheese meals and don't think about it at all!
- Eat 10 Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
- Cook 3 Group Servings of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
- Talk to 5 Different Sims About Grilled Cheese
The second milestone of this Aspiration is just a little more of Grilled Cheese eating and talking about it. We're sure you're gonna have a ton of fun completing these objectives!
You can make your Sim prepare their own Grilled Cheese and get them a higher COOKING SKILL or eat Grilled Cheese that other Sim prepared.
If your Sim has a level 5 (or higher) in the COOKING SKILL, they will probably be able to cook an Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese meal but if you still cannot achieve it, try to eat Grilled Cheese somewhere in town or Grilled Cheese that was prepared by a Sim with higher COOKING SKILLS.
We definitely recommend working on your Sim's COOKING SKILL sin one of the OBJECTIVES is to "Cook an Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwich".
- Eat a Grilled Cheese Sandwich in Space
- Cook an Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- Talk to the Grim Reaper About Grilled Cheese
Well, Simmers, this is the final MILESTONE you need to complete.Your Sim is now probably skilled enough to "Cook and Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwich" so that objective shouldn't be hard to achieve.You're wondering how to eat a Grilled Cheese Sandwich in Space?
First of all, cook one portion of Grilled Cheese and put it in your Sim's inventory.
Then you need to find a Rocket or build it!
If you own the CITY LIVING pack, you can visit the GeekCon Festival and hop in in one of the Rockets that will probably be already built and ready to use at the festival.
When you click on the Rocket you will get the option to "Eat Grilled Cheese in Space".
If you want to build your own Rocket, you can find it in the BUILD/BUY menu, it will cost around 1000 Simoleons and your Sim will gain a few levels of Rocket Science.
The last objective to complete the Third Milestone is to "Talk to the Grim Reaper About Grilled Cheese".
You can choose the easy way and kill a Sim, the Grim Reaper will appear instantly.Another way to spawn Grim Reaper is to download him from the Gallery.
After completing all the OBJECTIVES you will be rewarded with the Melt Master Reward - Instant Grilled Cheese, this reward gives you the ability to 'Summon Grilled Cheese' (normal quality) and 'Paint Grilled Cheese' at the easel.
Have fun eating all that tasty Grilled Cheese and enjoy discovering all the paintings you unlocked after finishing all the milestones!